ESXi Network Tools

Sometimes it happens to troubleshoot an ESXi host for network problems.

Over time I created a small guide to help me remember the various commands, I share it hoping it will be useful to everyone 🙂

esxcli network (here the complete list)

Check the status of firewall

esxcli network firewall get
Default Action: DROP
Enabled: true
Loaded: true

Enabling and disabling firewall

esxcli network firewall set --enabled false  (firewall disabled)

esxcli network firewall set --enabled true (firewall enabled)

TCP/UDP connection status

esxcli network ip connection list
Proto Recv Q Send Q Local Address                   Foreign Address       State       World ID CC Algo World Name
----- ------ ------ ------------------------------- --------------------- ----------- -------- ------- ----------
tcp        0      0                 ESTABLISHED  2099101 newreno envoy
tcp        0      0                 ESTABLISHED 28065523 newreno python
tcp        0      0                 TIME_WAIT          0
tcp        0      0               ESTABLISHED  2099373 newreno vpxa-IO
<line drop>

Configured DNS servers and search domain

esxcli network ip dns server list


esxcli network ip dns search list

DNSSearch Domains: scanda.local

List of vmkernel interfaces

esxcli network ip interface ipv4 get
Name IPv4 Address   IPv4 Netmask  IPv4 Broadcast Address Type Gateway      DHCP DNS
---- -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ ------------ --------
vmk0 STATIC false
vmk1 STATIC false

Netstacks configured on host (used on vmkernel interfaces)

esxcli network ip netstack list
Key: defaultTcpipStack
Name: defaultTcpipStack
State: 4660

Key: vmotion
Name: vmotion
State: 4660

List of physical network adapters

esxcli network nic list
Name   PCI Device   Driver  Admin Status Link Status Speed Duplex MAC Address       MTU  Description
------ ------------ ------- ------------ ----------- ----- ------ ----------------- ---- -----------
vmnic0 0000:04:00.0 ntg3    Up           Down        0     Half   ec:2a:72:a6:bf:34 1500 Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5720 Gigabit Ethernet
vmnic1 0000:04:00.1 ntg3    Up           Down        0     Half   ec:2a:72:a6:bf:35 1500 Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5720 Gigabit Ethernet
vmnic2 0000:51:00.0 bnxtnet Up           Up          25000 Full   00:62:0b:a0:b2:c0 1500 Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb OCP 3.0 Ethernet Adapter
vmnic3 0000:51:00.1 bnxtnet Up           Up          25000 Full   00:62:0b:a0:b2:c1 1500 Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb OCP 3.0 Ethernet Adapter
vmnic4 0000:51:00.2 bnxtnet Up           Up          25000 Full   00:62:0b:a0:b2:c2 1500 Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb OCP 3.0 Ethernet Adapter
vmnic5 0000:51:00.3 bnxtnet Up           Up          25000 Full   00:62:0b:a0:b2:c3 1500 Broadcom NetXtreme E-Series Quad-port 25Gb OCP 3.0 Ethernet Adapter

vmkping (KB reference)

command to send ICMP packets through vmkernel interfaces, very useful for checking MTU 🙂

usage examples

ping an host
vmkping -I vmk0

check MTU and fragmentation
vmkping -I vmk0 -d -s 8972

ping an host using vmotion netstack
vmkping -I vmk2 -S vmotion

iperf ( good article here)

Very useful tool to check the actual usable bandwidth between 2 hosts, one host uses server mode and one uses client mode

the tool is located at this path


NOTE: in vSphere 8 you may get ” Operation not permitted” error at runtime, you can enable the execution with the command

esxcli system secpolicy domain set -n appDom -l disabled

then enforcing with

esxcli system secpolicy domain set -n appDom -l enforcing

it is also necessary to disable the firewall to perform the tests

esxcli network firewall set --enabled false

usage example:

host server mode, the -B option allows a specific address and interface to be used for testing

 /usr/lib/vmware/vsan/bin/iperf3 -s -B

client mode host, the -n option specifies the amount of data to be transferred for testing

/usr/lib/vmware/vsan/bin/iperf3 -n 10G -c

25G interface test result

[ ID] Interval        Transfer    Bitrate        Retr
[  5]   0.00-4.04 sec 10.0 GBytes 21.3 Gbits/sec 0    sender
[  5]   0.00-4.04 sec 10.0 GBytes 21.3 Gbits/sec      receiver

NOTE : at the end of the test remember to re-enable the firewall and enforcing 🙂

nslookup e cache DNS (KB reference)

Sometimes it is necessary to verify that DNS name resolution is working properly on a host.

Use the nslookup command followed by the name to resolve


It may happen that changes to DNS records are not immediately received by esxi hosts, this is due to the DNS query caching mechanism.

To clear the DNS cache, use the following command (KB reference)

/etc/init.d/nscd restart

TCP/UDP connectivity test

On the esxi hosts, netcat (nc) tool is present to verify TCP/UDP connectivity to another host.

usage: nc [-46DdhklnrStUuvzC] [-i interval] [-p source_port]
[-s source_ip_address] [-T ToS] [-w timeout] [-X proxy_version]
[-x proxy_address[:port]] [hostname] [port[s]]

If you need to verify access to an HTTPS service and the validity of its SSL certificate, you can use the command

openssl s_client -connect

pktcap-uw (KB reference)

another very useful tool is pktcap-uw, which allows you to capture network traffic in full tcpdump style. The tool differs from tcpdump-uw in that it can capture traffic not only from vmkernel interfaces, but also from physical interfaces, switchports, and virtual machines.

let’s look at a few examples

capturing traffic from the vmkernel vmk0

pktcap-uw --vmk vmk0

traffic capture from physical uplink vmnic3

pktcap-uw --uplink vmnic3

Capturing traffic from a virtual switch port

pktcap-uw --switchport <switchportnumber>

NOTE: To get the port number mapping and virtual nic of a VM use the command net-stats -l

It is also possible to retrieve information from the LLDP protocol from uplinks used by a VSS ( do not support LLDP) with the following command

pktcap-uw --uplink vmnic1 --ethtype 0x88cc -c 1 -o /tmp/lldp.pcap > /dev/null && hexdump -C /tmp/lldp.pcap

The output will be in hexadecimal format and may be useful for performing port mapping of a host even on a Virtual Standard Switch.

I will not fail to update the list with other useful commands.


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